Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Meeting Gastroparesis Part Two: Ultrasound, Eggs, and An Answer

When last we met, I had been experiencing troubling symptoms for about three months anhd had been asked to undergo an ultrasound to rule out gallstones. I arranged to use Paratransit for the trip and got all the paperwork together.

The hardest part about that day was the fact that I needed to be completely NPO (Nothing by Mouth) prior to the exam. Not eating would not be a problem since I was doing so little of that lately, Not being able to drink, now that was a different story. I was up at 7 for an appointment at noon. I could on;ly drink enough water to take my morning medications. As a master pill swallower, this meant very little water for me.I distracted myself by playing online until Paratransit came to fetch me. I got to the hospital about an hour ahead of my appointment but luckily they were able to get me in early. After some finagling with techs who could not understand the idea that they'd need to help me get from my chair to the gurney and back again, the exam was done.

I waited the obligatory week, and called my GI's office for the results. She called me back the next day and said the ultrasound did not show any abnormalities in my gallbladder. As she always does, she asked how I was feelilng. I told her honestly that the nausea and pain were out of control. She said she had one last idea to try to solve the puzzle. She sent me an order for a gastric  emptying scan. After playing phone tag with the hospital's scheduling line, I got it scheduled for about two weeks later. This is where the real fun started,

Before having one ordered I'd never heard of a gastric emptying scan. So, being the compulsive researcher I am I immediately Goo.gled it. It turns out there is only one diagnosis to be confirmed or ruled out by the gastric emptying scan. I'll give you three guesses what it is. If you guessed gastroparesis, you win! For the test I had eat two entire scrambled eggs (a lot for me these days sadly). The eggs contained a small amount of radioactive tracer to allow their progresss through the stomach to be tracked. After I choked down the eggs, I was transfered onto the scanner table and strapped down six ways to Sunday. I have an irrational fear of scanner or X-ray tables that deserves a post of it's own, so I was very grateful for the extra security or at least the illusion of it. I freaked out for the first ten or so minutes of the scan which took place in a machine somewhere between a CT scanner and an MRI. After lying still for 90 minutes, I was released from my bonds and told to follow up in a week for results.

I did as I was told and called my GI first thing the next Wednesday morning. I spent the day anxiously awaiting the call from  my GI. Simultanously I was having pulmonary function tests done to check my asthma weary lungs. The GI didn't call that day. She called that night. From her home, or some other restricted number. I missed her call, but she left me a nice long voice mail. The gastric emptying scan was abnormal, meaning that the food sat in my stomach for much longer than normal and would certainly explain my symptoms. She wanted me to come in to the office to discuss next steps. I called the next day and made an appointment for two weeks later. I had a diagnosis!

Unfortunately my research was not really hopeful for a quick fix, Many people with the disorder struggle to get good symptom control and maintain adequate nutrition. There are only really two drugs shown to treat symptoms of gastroparesis. One has awesome side effects like dyskenias, the other is not available in the U.S. Great news! So that's where things stand right now. I am waiting for the non-FDA approved drug to get here from the UK. While I'm waiting I am on an antibiotic as a prokinetic agent. As proof of its awesome power to do absolutely nothing, I have eaten nothing  but saltines and Ensure since starting it. A week ago.



  1. How much food was still in your system at 90 minutes?

    1. I'm not sure exactly. All my GI said was that the results were "highly suggestive" of GP. I go on Monday for a four-hour study, and assuming that's abnormal too, I'll find out in a week or so how delayed the emptying is.
