Thursday, December 8, 2011

First Post: Who I Am

Sometimes it feels as though content on the Internet just materializes there. Not so. Majority of it is in fact human generated. I thought the most logical place for me to begin a blog about me is to tell you a little bit about who I am. I am a young woman of 26 who is just trying to figure out how to be a grown-up. I live  in a major city in the US. Have a great job, great friends, great family a lot going for me really. What is not so great about my life right now is that for the last two  and a half years I have battled with various chronic illnesses. I have been diagnosed with asthma, depression, heart and blood pressure issues, and most recently a disorder called gastroparesis. A lot to take on right? Right. Anyone facing a litany of medical problems like that would be hard pressed to get out of bed in the morning. For me though, it is physically  hard for me to get out of bed every morning. I have cerebral palsy. Now don't think that this blog is just going to be a giant whine fest. I just need you to know where I'm coming from at this moment. It is not my nature to complain and ask why me. I try to find the positive in situations where that might not seem feasible. Facing this new challenge of learning to assimilate chronic illness into my life and identity, I have realized that I cannot do it on my own. I turn to you gentle readers to provide me with the support I so desperately need.

Fear not, this new relationship will not be a one-way street. As someone having lived with challenges my whole life I have many stories and pearls of wisdom to share. I will try to help you as much is this strange media of blogging allows.

I am much more than a medical conundrum. I am a book lover, an advocate, a movie lover, a writer (obviously hence the blog) I am an historian, and lastly, I love hockey. So from time to time you will get posts about all of these things and more as the fancy strikes me

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great Start to your story, Em! I started a personal blog once during a very difficult time but didn't continue it. I hope you keep it up!
