Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Long, and Long Overdue, Update

I'm still here! A lot has happened since last we met. My lamp broke in my bedroom, making blogging tough, as I usually write at night, which is why I didn't tell you until now.

First, we lost my maternal grandfather on February 9. He'd had a good life, but I wasn't ready for him to go. He has had Parkinson's for my whole life. He and I had an unspoken bond. We both inhabited bodies that do not listen. He understood being "broken". He got that part of me better than anyone else in my family can. Now he's not struggling. I'm relieved for him. I haven't seen him in about a year and a half. Everyone says that's a good thing.

 I went home to attend the service. It was good to see everybody. My three-year-old niece was very excited to have me stay with her. We watched The Princess and the Frog a lot.We went to playgroup, where  she introduced me as "her" Emma. When one of her playgroup friends came up to say hi, she came and said again that I was hers. It was pretty cool.

As far as health stuff, I am kind of all over the place. I finally got the Zofran about a month ago. It takes the edge off the nausea, but I still feel awful. Side effects have been pretty bad and I am just starting a new medicine to counteract that. Crossing my fingers that straightens me out. In other news, it is 44 days until I see GI number two. I can finally see the end of this part of the tunnel. One day at a time.

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